(Milkyway Galaxy)
(Galaxy will be staying with us.)

Vet scale weight: 145 lbs. non-breeding weight (after being neutered). Galaxy is perhaps slightly overweight at this weight. Galaxy gained about 30 lbs. within 3 months of being neutered. Now, after about 1 & 1/2 years, Galaxy is down to 125 lbs as of October, 2007.

Vet scale weight: 113 lbs. breeding weight
OFA hips: Good: AM-11721G30M-PI

Galaxy is the father of Bella, Saved, and Wolf.
Galaxy is a large GIANT AKC purebred Alaskan Malamute and has given us a number of daughters as well as 3 grand daughters.

Galaxy is an extremely intelligent GIANT Alaskan Malamute. He and our female Baby are the most intelligent dogs that we own. He loves children always going over by them when they come and visit.
Galaxy's mom stepped on him when he was a newborn, therefore, Galaxy has a permanent scar on the left side of his snout.

THE TRUTH ABOUT FLOPPY EARS: Galaxy is a Giant AKC purebred Alaskan Malamute and has been officially retired as of 3/9/06. Galaxy was retired due to having floppy-eared puppies. Don't believe the claim that FLOPPY EARS are not passed down to the offspring. They are. Floppy ears are genetically passed down to the offspring. Galaxy is our second breeding male who had floppy ears, and both breeding males had many pups with floppy ears as adults. Please read about Galaxy's daughter Wolf who has floppy ears. Also read the notice on floppy ears in Cinnamon's area. Floppy ears run in lines, like Galaxy's line and Alaska's Own line for examples. You can even have puppies that have floppy ears as adults even when mom and dad do not have floppy ears if floppy ears are in both of the lines of the mom and dad.

We have seen, however, one non-genetic cause of down ears, and that is when the puppy/dog has up ears, and then starts a veterinary prescribed medication for a medical issue that the dog is dealing with. An ear or ears go down while on the medication, and then never go back up. We have seen this 2 times with our puppies/dogs. These 2 particular dogs are not on our website yet.